As some of you already know, I often rave about how awesome a hosts Jesus was. So it was a welcome reminder to me when Sarah Graves pointed out that Jesus is oft referred to as the Lord of Hosts! I know it MIGHT be meant in a different context, but I’m going to assume for the next few paragraphs that Jesus simply is the patron that all hosts should look to for inspiration. Lets try it on for size and see how he shapes up!
Whether Jesus actually existed, and whether he was a divine figure, is up for debate. Christians are 100% sure, historians debate it hotly, and lots of people don’t mind either way, so lets agree to believe what we believe, move past that and just look at the figure of Jesus and what he stood for.
The main things I would put out there are:
o Giving is more satisfying than receiving. Is this not at the core of any host?
o Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Every host knows how to make people comfortable. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute, and all will be revealed.
o Turn the other cheek. Not everyone will like the fact that you have so much love inside you that its spills over. Just keep on loving. So many antagonists will come around in time; the rest will disengage if you don’t return their negative energy.
So lets hope that you don’t get crucified for being a good host… I’m thinking that as we live in a more permissive society and you are unlikely to be dubbed the King of the Jews you are not in too much danger. So lets have a look at some examples of Jesus being the Lord of Hosts that can give us ideas and guidance.
Water into Wine – The marriage at Cana
This event was Jesus first major miracle, and one of his coolest. His disciples royally screwed the catering – they ran out of booze! Jesus wasn’t phased. He got the water and turned it into wine without delay. Don’t miss the lesson here. Be prepared to work a miracle. It can be done. At my house you will always find: 2 bottles of vodka in the freezer, 2 bottles of lime cordial and lots of ice. If I run out of booze at a party I can mix these ingredients fast to follow in Jesus footsteps and make sure the party is liquored up til late!
Loaves & Fishes
The feeding of themultitude is another well known event – Once again Jesus’ disciples are under delivering (they make me so mad – all about the hype!) – the have Jesus rostered all day on healing miracle detail while they cruise around the local villages bragging to the ladies about how they are down with the new guy in town, and of course people are flocking from all around and lining up for miles, but the disciples have put the event on in a really hard to find spot and have screwed up the food catering (sound like any festivals or events you have been to?).
So, after a full day of healing the sick, with 4000 hungry people getting “no food bad mood” all at once, Jesus gets up, and promptly turns 5 barley leaves and 2 fish into food for around 4000 people. So next time you are at a party that has under-catered the food, ask yourself: what would Jesus do?
Here’s some divine insight I’ve had over the years: #1: Know which maccas and KFCs are open 24/7. Seriously. Call in and order, drive there and pick up and you can be back at the party in 15 minutes with chips, nuggets, dips and drumsticks. I guarantee the moment you walk in the door someone will say “Thank God…”. #2: I have 4 cans of chick peas, fresh garlic and lemons in my pantry, tahina paste in the fridge and 10 loaves of flat bread in the freezer. Ingredients in the blender for 20 seconds, bread defrosting in the microwave for 2 minutes. I can plate dips for 20 people in less than 3 minutes. Sweet lord of mercy, that will buy me time to get to KFC and back.
This event forms the basis of the Eucharist that is celebrated every week by Christians when they drink wine and eat bread at church. I find what he said at the start of the party really fits well with me as a host. To paraphrase: This is my body and my blood. Every time you gather with people you love, think of me. Jesus knew that this was the last party he would be able to host personally, so he asked his disciples to remember every time they threw a party to think about what he had taught them. It’s important to remember that people come to your party to create memories with people they love. People know the blood, sweat and tears that you put in to make the party happen. Put on miraculous parties and remember that those who love you never take what you do for granted.
Indulge me, please, as I want to dig a bit deeper into the Eucharist
Every week Christians the world around re-enact the last supper, with the holy spirit transforming wine and bread into the body and blood of Christ. Have a think about this – Jesus was such a powerful host that he has inspired people for over 2000 years to get together every single week to experience their place in a global community and to remind each other that giving is more satisfying than receiving, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and to turn the other cheek.
So now you can see the big picture behind being a Host with the Most.
Miraculous hosts inspire others to do the same. If it wasn’t for my grandmother throwing insane parties all the time (she ran Australia’s first Sri Lankan catering outfit) I would never have been inspired to throw the 8732 parties that I have hosted in my life so far.
If I throw in the tea towel at 20,000 parties my grand daughter might miss her calling and a chance to experience a life that satisfies her soul daily as it nourishes the bodies and hearts of those around her – her family, friends, work mates and her wider community at all levels.
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